Friday, July 26, 2013

Interview with myself...So, About Darth and David...What Gives?

Q: Okay, so David is Darth Vader. However, David is a perverted sociopath. Vader is a military genius who just happens to need an exo-suit to survive. Isn’t David just a bit too dark and violent?

A: Are you out of your mind? My David is a pussycat compared to Darth Vader. About 30 minutes into the Star Wars, Vader destroys an entire planet, just to prove a point. Ask the citizens of Alderaan if Darth is more or less evil than a CEO with a murderous streak. By my count, David has killed 10 maybe 20 guys. Darth kills several million in the first movie alone.

Q: Wow, I never thought about that.

A: Well think about this. At the end of Jedi, the scumbag, genocidal Darth gets redemption and his ghost gets to hang out with the ghosts of Ben and Yoda. It’s bullshit. That bastard should be in the same circle of Hell with Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. I don’t care that he killed he emperor. That one good deed does not make up for killing an entire fucking plant. So, sorry Vader fans, Darth is a rat bastard and deserves no slack because he got dipped in lava and abandoned by his friends. (Though, that was pretty messed up.)

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