Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Interview With Myself - Part 2 - I Am Not James Joyce

Q: Are you saying you're worthy to even mention James Joyce when discussing something you wrote?

A: Don’t be a dick about it. I never said I was James Joyce. What I am saying is that I was inspired by Ulysses. I was fascinated with the idea of telling the story of a common man while using the same structure as an epic filled with bigger-than-life heroes.

Q: But you didn’t write that book. I’ve read Luke. It isn’t about the humdrum life of the common man. It’s a crime story with action scenes, car chases, sex, BDSM, and pot jokes. Did you fail in your goal?

A: Do you have to be so negative? Look, my first attempt to write a Ulysses was a failure because it was boring. No one wants to read about a guy's day-to-day routine of going to meaningless meetings and staring at a computer screen. It was too painful to write, much less to read. Going the crime story route turned out to be much more interesting.

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