Saturday, July 27, 2013

Review Luke - Get Any Kindle Book For Free

Let’s try something crazy…

I think I’ve written a pretty good book, the kind of book I would like to read. People who I trust have read it, given a lot of feedback, and say they like it. I’ve read it many, many times, and I like it. If I didn’t, it would still be collecting dust somewhere in my hard drive.

In order to sell this book, I’m told I need get reviews on Amazon. I’m told that only 1 out of every 200-300 purchases results in a review. I’ve sold 21 copies.

I’m also told that’s not bad for an unknown author self-publishing on Kindle for the first time. Still, I’d like to do better.

I’ve tried the common tactic of offering a free signed copy of the paper book version in exchange for proof of an Amazon review. That has not worked. I still have only the one review. It is a five-star review, and bless the soul that wrote it, but that review alone isn’t going to do the trick.

So let’s try something…

I am willing to send the first 10 people who write reviews of Luke a Kindle book of their choice (up to a $14.99 value). Here is how it will work...

1. You buy, read and review Luke. It’s got to be an honest review of the entire novel. No reading a few pages and throwing down a three word sentence. The review must be 300 words or more.

2. Write me at Tell me the name the review is under and the text of the review. Also, tell me the book you want. The new Dan Brown? The new Grisham? 50 Shades? Ulysses? Whatever you want. I will gift it to you through the Amazon gifting system. You’ll get your gift in your email box.

3. AND! If you want a signed copy of the paperbook version, I’ll give you one of those too. Just put your mailing address in the email.

I will do this for the first ten reviews I get. After that, I’ll figure out if it’s worth continuing.

So there you go! That’s the deal. Make sense? Let me know!

Luke is on sale here...



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